Writer’s Block Writing Prompts
As writers, it can ofttimes be hard for us to just sit down and write. With an iPhone full of half-finished poems, it can be a very real struggle. Writer’s Block in every essence. But our aim with this workshop is to dispel those notions and lose our writing inhibitions. We didn’t need them anyway.
Ask Yourself…
What is it you want to write: Books? Blogs? Poems? Short Stories?
When do you have time to write? Lunchtime? Evenings?
What or whom encourages you to write?
What or whom discourages you to write?
What are you afraid or embarrassed to write?
Write what scares you. If it scares you, that means it’s important to you.
Stories are memories you get to bring to life…
Start with a story you already know. Only a few sentences about a favorite book or movie or TV show.
How easy or hard was that?
As a writer, it means sometimes you get naked…
What terrifies you?
What makes you laugh the most?
The last time you it was because of…?
Think about a secret that you will take to your grave. Why is it a secret?
Don’t be afraid to write the difficult stuff.
Part of writing is thinking… let your mind start the story.
Tell me a lie…
Write a paragraph -- Where you’re from, what your occupation is, what you enjoy doing. One thing can be true; however, the rest need to be very convincing lies.
[If you’re writing fiction, remember that stores are lies that tell the truth.
If you’re writing non-fiction or poetry, the truth only matters if it has meaning.]